Wakefern’s Guiding Principles
We work with our vendors to ensure that our brands are sourced from suppliers who meet our animal welfare standards and promote the humane treatment of animals at all times. We require our suppliers to follow strict policies when it comes to the humane treatment of animals and we are committed to these guiding principles for animal care from housing to harvest.
All animals are assured five basic freedoms:
- From hunger and thirst
- From discomfort
- From pain, injury or disease
- To express most normal behaviors
- From fear and distress
Animal Handling
Animals are handled in a humane manner that minimizes the risk of pain, injury or distress.
Proper animal care practices are based on science, as well as moral and ethical obligations and values.
Animals at all stages of their lives must have access to quality feed and clean water in adequate quantities to meet their nutritional requirements for good health.
Suppliers must attend to their animals’ health needs in a timely manner and in accordance with a written herd-health plan developed in consultation with the herd veterinarian.
Animals must be provided with housing and facilities that are constructed, maintained and operated in a manner that minimizes animal distress or injury.
Transportation of animals is handled in a safe, secure manner that minimizes their stress.
Special Needs Animals
Animals requiring extra medical attention should be provided the best possible treatment through specific special needs-management practices.
Our suppliers will set requirements for the competence training of managers and all other individuals responsible for the animals’ care and handling.
Continual Improvement
Our suppliers will embrace animal welfare advances that lead to continual improvement.